DGAF, Inc.
Dillard/Goldsboro Alumni & Friends, Inc.
Jamarius Coley, DGAF National President
Dear Alumni & Friends:
The National Communication Committee would like to introduce you to the newsletter: Dillard/Goldsboro Quarterly “Catch the Pride.” We are planning to release the Newsletter quarterly on the dates listed below. We are writing to inform you of the process to submit ads for the Dillard/Goldsboro Quarterly “Catch the Pride. You will also see below the prices for the various size ads and hope that you will utilize the form to submit ads for the newsletter.
Your ad may be used to solicit patronage for your personal businesses or to give birthday or anniversary shout-outs to loved ones and friends. Individual classes may also use the ads to highlight their anniversaries, memorialize classmates or for newsworthy events/activities being sponsored by the individual classes. We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to advertise in the Dillard/Goldsboro Quarterly “Catch the Pride".
The Dillard/Goldsboro Quarterly “Catch the Pride” is scheduled to be released on the following dates with designated deadlines for submissions:
October 2021 submission deadline 10/24/21
January 2022 submission deadline 1/23/22
April 2022 submission deadline 4/24/22
July 2022 submission deadline 7/24/22
Ad Sizes and Prices are as follows.
Full Page - $100.00
Half Page - $75.00
Quarter Page - $50.00
Eight Page/Business Card - $25.00
Please utilize the link below to submit your ad and payment.
Please note that the ad you purchase will be for the date you select on the form. You are more than welcome to select as many dates as you desire. You will just need to fill out a separate payment with the designated payment for each ad.
We want these ads to be utilized to promote and highlight businesses as well as be utilized for personal announcements, memorials, etc. Thanks in advance for your support.
Questions Email: dgafcommunication@gmail.com
DGAF, Inc.
National Communication Committee